I've spent the evening playing on the computer and getting ready to coupon. I know, I need to get a life! In anticipation of the big coupon haul tomorrow, I thought I would show you how I organize things.
This is my coupon binder - the legal way to print money!!! It goes with me EVERYWHERE! Even if I leave it in the car, I can always run out to grab a deal.
I have a table of contents in the front and each section is numbered. For coupon storage, I use baseball card holders. Sometimes I have to fold coupons, but it's usually no big deal. My first section is specifically for BOGO deals (buy one get one free).
Believe it or not, there is some controversy over how to store coupons. Some people keep their inserts intact and file them by date. Others, like me, are clippers. I just hate to think of a coupon I need that's stuck in a file at home.
If you're just a beginner, you can use a white envelope, an accordion folder or an empty pencil case. If you follow my tips,you'll quickly outgrow it!
I usually clip and organize on Sundays. If you know me, you know that my Sunday's are full with church, youth group and Confirmation classes. It doesn't take very long and I can do it at the kitchen table while watching football with the family.
It doesn't really matter how to store and organize. Find a system that works for you. Remember, NO STRESS!
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